Issues with FEDVIP Deductions
If you have dental or vision insurance through BENEFEDS, you did not receive a payroll deduction for these benefits during the Dec. 31, 2022-Jan. 13, 2023, pay period. Your benefits are still active, however, and deductions will resume during the Jan. 14-27 pay period. You do not need to take any action or pay a catch-up deduction to account for the missing deduction. Additionally, if you’re enrolled in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, you’ll see your new 2023 premium rates reflected in the Jan. 14-27 pay period. If you contributed to the Combined Federal Campaign, you’ll see your deductions begin during the Jan. 28-Feb. 10 pay period. If you have payroll concerns other than missing deductions, call the USPS Accounting Service Center at 866-974-2733. If you have dental and vision insurance questions, call BENEFEDS at 877-888-3337. For other questions about benefits or wellness, email the USPS Benefits and Wellness team at (“benefits and wellness at u-s-p-s dot gov”). Thank you for listening.